Friday, 15 October 2010

West Midlands Association function

The first official function as President has now passed almost without event which I will explain later. On the evening, I left the room punctually only to return at high speed - no not pre event nerves - I forgot the ceremonial chain of office.  

Firstly, I would like to thank the West Midlands Association for kindly inviting me to their function and for their superb hospitality. Secondly, I would also like to thank the Association’s President Anne Bradbury and her family for being excellent company on the night. My earlier comment that the evening almost passed without event, refers to my announcing the Lancashire and Cheshire President as being Colin Farrell as opposed to John and please accept my apologies for the slip.

The enthusiasm and energy of some people never cease to me amaze me. The evergreen Barry Powell managed to locate a party of young ladies on a hen night and proceeded to dance the night away with them. I would also like to thank him for not leading any of the attendees astray by sharing them !!