Sunday, 25 September 2011

IRRV Annual Conference - some photographs

Kerry with Performance Awards Gold Award Winners at IRRV Annual Conference in Telford:
Broadland District Council
Croydon London Borough Council
Newham London Borough Council
Southend On Sea Borough Council
Preston City Council and Fylde Borough Council Fraud Partnership
Gloucester City Council
Milton Keynes Council in partnership with Mouchel PLC
Sutton London Borough Council
Shepway District Council

Kerry hands over the Presidential reins to 2011/12 President Roger Messenger

Kerry at the IRRV Performance Awards in Telford

Monday, 19 September 2011

Kerry at IRRV Scottish Conference

The President recently attended IRRV Scottish Conference at the Crieff Hydro Hotel.   It was a very well-attended event and Kerry gave the official welcome from the President, as well as speaking to the IRRV Students' Workshop.   Here's some photographs from the Conference :
Along with IRRV Scottish Association President Jim McCafferty, Kerry congratulates Dumfries & Galloway Council, winners of the "Best in Scotland" Award in the IRRV Performance Awards 2011
Conference Exhibition
At the Scottish Performance Award Village

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Latest from the President ...

A relatively quiet period ensued after the Irish meetings, punctuated by local Association meetings and a Performance Awards meeting that the President attends in an official capacity. 

In early June, I attended the Collection and Enforcement conference in Harrogate that, despite the financial constraints imposed in local government, was reasonably well supported.    This was closely followed by the Wessex Association meeting in Beaulieu Motor Museum which commenced at 9.30am.  The IRRV Chief  Executive and I gave a brief update on topical issues affecting the Institute and left at 10.30am to return to the Rating and Surveyors lunch in the House of Lords,  to support fellow Council Member Graham Ryall who has recently been elected as their President.   Many congratulations and well done Graham.

The Welsh IRRV Annual Conference was again held in Llandrindod Wells and co-ordinated by the North Wales secretary Islwyn Lewis Jones and his colleagues in the North Wales Association.   Another superb conference with a number of notable speakers including Paul Howarth, Paul Sanderson and David Magor - to name a few. 

The annual East Anglian Association meeting was held in Great Yarmouth at the races with a number of our members looking for a “flutter”on the horses.   From South Wales to Great Yarmouth and back in one day is challenging but nevertheless worthwhile to meet old colleagues and former students. 

The week following the Association, I attended a Defas project meeting in Warsaw and opened a conference for Polish Valuers. I am sure the translators would have worked hard to contend with my accent!

I know I have mentioned previously that the Institute is regarded highly by other professional kindred organisations and this was evident in my conversations with other conference delegates.

I left the conference early to attend a House of Commons committee of inquiry on welfare reform, this being the second time the Institute has been requested to provide evidence.   This would have been based on the submission from our Faculty Board and underlines the important contribution it makes to the Institute. It is fascinating to observe the political debate and for those interested, the presentation is available on the House of Commons website (reports for the 6th July 2011).

The South Eastern Dinner was hosted by their President and long term friend Patrick Knight in a marquee in Grantly Green. I must thank Pat for the most generous present received during my tenure as President.   It was a record of Puff the Magic Dragon, a highly underrated production and the only time I have ever participated in karaoke (extremely badly).

The President’s Annual Reception was in the Churchill War Rooms, an amazing venue, with 250 in attendance.  For those not there, it is well worth a visit when you are next in London. 

Traditionally, the Reception coincides with the quarterly round of council meetings, and, for the first time, were held in the Institute’s new offices - all designed to save funds in the current climate. 

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

International Conference in Dublin and Northern Ireland Presidential Dinner

Last week, Kerry took part in the IRRV/IPTI International Conference in Dublin.   The event was a great success, and later in the week, Kerry hosted a Dinner in Belfast with representatives of the IRRV Northern Ireland Association and other invited guests from partner organisations in Northern Ireland. 

Here's some photographs from the events (and with thanks to Pat Doherty for providing all but the last two here) :

Above :   Kerry at the top table during a speech by IRRV Chief Executive David Magor at the International Conference in Dublin
Above :  Kerry speaks at the International Conference's Dinner in Dublin
Above :   Kerry and other guests at the International Conference Dinner in Dublin
Above :  Kerry at the drinks reception prior to the Dinner in Belfast
Above :  Colin Wilkinson, Chair of the IRRV Northern Ireland Association, welcomes Kerry and other guests to Belfast
Above :   Kerry welcomes guests to the Dinner in Belfast

Monday, 16 May 2011

Update from the President

My Presidential luncheon was in the Grosvenor hotel in late March and attended by the Presidents of kindred organisations.   It is most gratifying to see the respect that other professional organisations have for the Institute. 

Hot on the tail of the dinner at the (in fact the next day) was the Lancashire and Cheshire Association Dinner, held in Formby Hall near Southport.   It is a very popular event, well attended by Institute members and excellently hosted by the Association President John Farrell.  

This event was followed by the London and Home Counties AGM, held at the home of football, the Emirates Stadium, and which included a tour of the stadium.   My congratulations to the newly installed President Phil Black and best wishes for your Presidential year.

The traditional April round of our IRRV Council Meetings were held at Keele University to coincide with the annual revision course as many council members are tutors on the course.   It was a busy week, culminating in a journey to the Lancashire and Cheshire Association AGM held in Knowsley Council offices. The meeting installed the new President Pauline Wass and my best wishes to her for the year ahead.

The next two AGMs were held in God’s country - that is Wales.   The South Wales Association, meeting in Bridgend, installed Maureen Neave as President for the forthcoming year.   Best Wishes Maureen!

The North Wales Association meeting was held in Mould and was chaired by the Association President David Barnes.  

The Thames Valley Association Annual Dinner was held in the Manor House, Wokefield Park outside Reading.   Another well attended event which facilitated the transfer of Presidential duties from the former President Phil Adlard to Tess Reeves and, again, I wish her all the best for the forthcoming year.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Kerry at Scottish Benefits Conference

As well as undertaking the official welcome to delegates at the IRRV Scottish Benefits Conference in Crieff on 9th and 10th March in his capacity as President of the Institute, Kerry also chaired sessions and gave a presentation of integrating benefits administration.

The conference was very well attended and feedback to it has been very positive.   Here's some photos from the event :

Above : Despite being postponed from December because of snowy weather, there was snow on day 1 of conference!

Above :  From Left - Jim McCafferty, Scottish Association President, Kerry, and Paul Howarth of DWP - on the conference stage.

Above :  The conference hall.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Latest news from the President ...

A rather belated Happy New Year to you all.

From my perspective, being President is akin to waiting for a bus, long periods of inactivity and then a flurry of events in close proximity.

The year started with a meeting involving the National Fraud Authority, myself and the Chief Executive  - to discuss their forthcoming initiatives and to offer suggestions for future projects.

The first function of the year was hosted by the Chartered Institute of Taxation at the Dorchester in London.   I shared a table with amongst others, the Honourable M.P for Burnley and the President of C.I.P.F.A and learnt that residents in Burnley consumes some 15% of all French Benedictine.   A useful quiz question.

January contained the regular Council round of meetings and it is still fascinating to comprehend the extent of the Institute’s involvement in European activities.

The London and Home Counties Association event was in the Innkeepers Hall in London, a splendid venue steeped in tradition.  Both the food and wine were excellent and my thanks to the Association for their kind invitation.

Following quickly on the heels of this event was the Annual Benefits Conference in Southport.    The event once again proved incredibly popular with both exhibitors and practitioners.   As always the programme contained a variety of topical subjects for the audience "to get their teeth into."

Finally, February came to a close with the C.I.P.F.A President’s function at the Savoy Hotel.   It was an opportunity to catch up with former colleagues especially my former Treasurer at Swansea City Council and past president of the Institute John Butler,who has now retired, and I would like to take this opportunity of wishing him good health and happiness for the future.